Wednesday, August 19, 2009

where tha fckks my ranch???

soo my moms renting out a room in our house to her *used to be neighbor friend's son* (he's got to be between 19-22 yrs). and idk how long he's been here maybe a month and a couple weeks? idk its like 2 months almost so i might as well say that. first month , ehhh dude was alrite he left to work at 5 in the morning && would come back around 3ishh. then he would leave around 5 & come back around 9 maybe 10 pm. But now i think dude lost his job or sumthin so im assuming his dad's gonna pay for rent now. Anyway thats not the point of this post. or maybe it is idk not treally i just wanna complain about him. well since he lost his job he's home alllllll day long! locked up in his room & it's none of my bizzness but dayuuuum! nd this is everyday. also he occasionally "cooks" as in maccaroni & cheese or cup noodles. but umm yeah dude leaves his dishes there for us to wash. sometimes when he cooks he uses our seasoned salt or stuff like that. && no one minds. but umm anywhoo's today i was eating pizza and i decided to go to the fridge && get the ranch out.... :[ yeah it was gone? i couldnt find it no where on the damn fridge! i asked my mom, i asked my sister, & i also looked again. well of course he took it!!. he uses our fridge to put his food in there like he has chicken in the freezer or to put his milk. but he recently got a mini-fridge so im guessing he only puts some stuff there the others he puts it in our fridge. well anyways the ranch was there 2 days ago! it was a brand new bottle too :'[ so yeahhh im pretty sure its now sittin pretty in his mini fridge. and i feel weird to ask for it back , bcuz he never asked if he could have some and i actually wouldn't mind if he wanted some as long as he left it in MY fridge! not took it to his! idkk if maybe he thought it was his or not?? idk. well anyways i was tellin my mom i couldnt believe he stole my ranch and she basically said he has no shame. this dudes always bringing girls home.. different ones at that. just yesterday he brought his gf and today idk who this broad was but she came out the room with her hair lookin a mess. 0_o lol & even though it's none of my business it does seem disrespectful. i dont really care like i said its none of my bizzness tho. all i wanna kno wtfxup with my ranch????

0 love letters:


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream