Monday, July 20, 2009


me and my bestie.. ARE bffos again!! =D
lol yay!
we went "swimming"
and im back home now.
she mentioned him today...
got me thinking
idk im just having a lil moment rite now
cuz as soon as i got to my room i felt like crying,
now im just missing him :[
he doesnt care about me
and im just slipping rite now
ill be over it later..
i hope.
ughhh horrible headachee! >:[
i feel like im gaining weight.. in my tummy!!
i need a diet seriously, or a workout at least idk
what to do with myself.
ive been eating a lil too much lately, mostly at night.
and i got sooo much homework!!
its not even funny!!!
i just dont know rite now...

0 love letters:


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream